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The PHENOLEXA newsletter is published at irregular intervals. Register to the newsletter and get updated on news and recent activities within the PHENOLEXA project.
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    Newsletter archive

    In our newsletters we will introduce the PHENOLEXA consortium partners, inform about project activities and results, events, updates, publications, and as well about important news around polyphenols and the upgrading of agri-waste streams. …

    In our newsletters we will introduce the PHENOLEXA consortium partners, inform about project activities and results, events, updates, publications, and as well about important news around polyphenols and the upgrading of agri-waste streams. …

    In our newsletters we will introduce the PHENOLEXA consortium partners, inform about project activities and results, events, updates, publications, and as well about important news around polyphenols and the upgrading of agri-waste streams. …

    In this second newsletter we inform you about the development of the project and our second face-to-face meeting in Hervè, Belgium. We introduce our partners CIVITTA EESTI AS and CRAPACA and present many upcoming events. …

    In this first and in the following newsletters we will introduce the PHENOLEXA consortium partners, inform about project activities and results, events, updates, publications, and as well about important news around polyphenols and the upgrading of agri-waste streams. …